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And the winner is...

This is the end. The final award of the PrepsKC McCarthy Elite Team. The MVP.

Selected by the PrepsKC staff from the Offensive and Defensive Players of the Year the first-ever PrepsKC McCarthy Elite Team MVP is Platte County quarterback Rocco Marriott.

Here are highlights and more info on the best player in the Kansas City Metro.


Rocco Marriott – Jr., Platte County
Simply one of the best seasons by a quarterback in the Metro in recent history. Marriott led the Pirates to a perfect 14-0 record ending with the Missouri Class 5 state championship. He finished the year with 3,084 yards passing, completed 67 percent of his passes for 39 touchdowns and only six interceptions. He was also a force on the ground with 622 yards on 92 carries while scoring another 19 TDs for 58 total TDs on the year.