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View from the Press Box: Dion Clisso 8/4

It seems like yesterday we started PrepsKC with the goal of delivering the best high school football coverage in the country. I hadn’t hit 40 and my wife and I had a four-month-old son.

Well, here we are in 2024 and I’m past 50 and the boy is going to be a high school freshman in about three weeks.

It’s been a great ride, and we hope it will continue to be great and get even better in the coming season. We are hitting the ground running with virtual media days, podcasts, videos and previews to get you ready for coming year. Practice will be starting soon, and we will be there as well.

We will still have the best and most comprehensive live scoreboard on Friday nights along with the great coverage with stories, photos and videos every week.

There will be great weekly features like state rankings, stat leaders, Chiefs Coach of the Week along the RE/MAX Big 3 games.

There are some new and exciting things coming soon and we will talk about in the coming weeks so stay tuned to our social media and the site and app for all the great new things on the Horizon.

Let’s get after it and have another great high school football season.